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Legal basis for using your information

In some cases, we will only use your personal information where we have your consent or because we need to use it in order to fulfil a contract with you (for example, or because you have self-referred to our practice or paid for therapy or room rental with us).


However, there are other lawful reasons that allow us to process your personal information and one of those is called 'legitimate interests'. This means that the reason that we are processing information is because there is a legitimate interest for TTS to process your information to help us to achieve our goal of ensuring that everyone whenever we process your Personal Information under the ‘legitimate interest' lawful basis we make sure that we take into account your rights and interests and will not process your personal information if we feel that there is an imbalance.


Some examples of where we have a legitimate interest to process your personal information are where we contact you about our work via post, use your personal information for data analytics, conducting research to better understand who our clients are, improving our services, for our legal purposes (for example, dealing with complaints and claims).

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