A problem aired is a problem shared
TalkSpace is a concept which aims to allow you to come and talk to a sympathetic and experienced psychotherapist about anything that is troubling you without committing to a course of treatment. This can be an one-off appointment whenever you need.
Often you have problems you find you can’t share with your family and friends. You fear they might judge you or take sides or bring their own problems to the conversation, when all you really want is to share with a kind, compassionate and objective professional whatever is burdening you. It might be a relationship, a health or a financial worry. It might be loneliness or feeling lost or fear. Maybe you’re feeling sad. You aren’t necessarily looking for a straight answer, all you want is to share the pressure with a person who has no judgment to make. By opening up to them you might make sense of your own predicament.
Their help and feedback will allow you to understand, forgive and improve yourself. When you feel alone your mind can play tricks and make a problem seem much worse. But by sharing your thoughts with a good listener you might start to see a solution your fear prevented you from seeing before.
Talk takes place in a private room with an experienced psychotherapist to listen to and make sense of your worries. If all you want to do is talk that is fine. But if you want dialogue they will help you to see yourself and your worries in a more objective, reasoned way. Everything you say is strictly confidential, the only exception being if the listener thinks you are likely to hurt yourself or someone else.
You don’t need anyone to refer you to TalkSpace. You just make a booking and turn up to our talk room. A session is in 50 minute blocks. and you can come as a one-off or when you need to.
Life MOT
This assessment looks at your behavioural profile. What gives you satisfaction, what you may be avoiding through fears, and how consistently your lifestyle reflects what is meaningful to you. This assessment is based on Acceptance and Commitment therapy principals grounded in behavioural psychology. You leave with a written formulation of your profile and action plan to improve your overall wellbeing. A session lasts up to an hour and half.
Book Appointment
If you would like to book an appointment or request a call back, please fill in this simple form